An ongoing update of the progress of a 2010-11 grant from Create Here.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Equipment arrives.

Earlier this week, two important pieces of equipment that I have been wanting for years were delivered to my studio, thanks to my MakeWork grant from CreateHere. 

Both are refurbished, reconditioned pieces from  Paul Brubaker (owner of Bindery Tools) is one of the few people in the country who repairs and rebuilds old bookbinding and printmaking equipment. I have found that the older equipment is often studier, more reliable and more accurate than similar equipment that is being made today.  Paul and his wife drove the equipment here from Pennsylvania and somehow managed to get the 1,000+lb. board shear moved into my studio.

The shear is a beautiful rebuilt John Jacques shear with a maple top.  The cutting edge is 41", making it possible to trim large pieces of book board to exact measurements. The book press is 10" x 12" and has 3-1/2" of airspace.  Both of these pieces of equipment will significantly increase my productivity and the quality of my work.  And since my board shear is one of the only ones (maybe THE only one) in Chattanooga, I hope to find ways that other book artists can use it too.

Meanwhile, I have been cleaning the studio and organizing all my tools and supplies.  A couple of bookmaking friends will be working with me in the studio for the next week.  This is the second time we've scheduled a week-long studio retreat, and when we are together, the energy is really high.  By exchanging ideas, watching each other work and sharing resources, each of us becomes better at our craft.